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Blessed with a talent...

I love to create and have been fortunate enough in my life to have both the talent and the ability to chase my dreams, so I approach my craft with an open heart and the willingness to step off the path - color outside the lines. I am driven by story and believe the "footage" never lies, therefore, I don't make it what it's not. I have mad respect for pace, and think it is not learned, rather earned from wisdom gained in one's life - that doesn't begin until well after 30. Most importantly, I consider the primary goal as an editor (besides make it work) is to exceed the expectations of those who hire me, but only after I have exceeded my own- the highest bar I know. 

I began my career cutting hip-hop music videos, until a job opportunity

(I almost passed over) brought me into the Olympics at NBC .

The rest they say, is history ...

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